Industrialists of food stuff industries must implement a quality system to identify the critical points of contamination and the preventive and corrective rules adapted.
The concept of quality assurance that makes the exclusion of any risk of contamination possible is defined by an analysis of risks and a control of critical points.
This is called HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point). HACCP is recommended by the European directive 93/43/CEE that deals with hygiene and food safety. After the US FDA program and the CFR 21 rules stopped in 1998, the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) sat up in 2000 a new program of study and certification of products used in the food and food stuff field. It consists in establishing international standards (ISO) and in studying the toxicology of products on food. From now on, this program is more complete and severe than the lastest and the certification it grants is internationnally acknowledged.
Thus, any product approved by the NSF is the guarantee of a total harmlessness towards food. This homologation is confirmed by a certificate, specific to each product, with a registration number and the category of the product.
Our company places the most complete range of NSF approved products on the market at your disposal in order to respond the best we can to the requirements of food and food stuff industries.The NSF approved products are recognizable thanks to the logo affixed on their packaging which represents another guarantee.